Unlike our competitors, that doesn't just mean
a free trial or a freemium subscription.
Registered charity? Use our software for free!
Send your details to free@inclusive.io
Full ATS with careers page for a low monthly subscription, which is refunded to you through normal hiring usage.
Unique functionality to search candidates from external recruiters, as you would on Rightmove with property.
An end to recruiter sales
calls, speculative CVs and
PSLs. No more duplication
and ownership conflict.
The opportunity to profit from unwanted applicants by adding them to a data pool searchable only by other employers.
Instant creation of a careers mini site to flex your employer brand with postable links to all of your current vacancies.
Best-in-class candidate redaction removes bias from your hiring process from the first application.
Increase your reach by dealing with any external recruiter on the planet at terms you set and with guaranteed rebates.
This is a Dragon,
not a Dinosaur!
backed recruiting software that actually generates revenue.
Candidates, you and your boss will love it.